The Future of Photography

        Photography has been growing since the 1700's. Photography has come a long way and it just keeps on progressing as time goes by. The evolution of photography has changed so much since the 1700's, it is shocking to me. Nowadays, you don's need a camera to be able to take photographs. We have cellphones with good quality cameras on them that work similar to an actual camera.

        I think photography will keep changing along with the world. As the world changes, everything around it changes. We all see things differently, that's what makes photography so special to this world. We take pictures to show beauty and meaning in everything we see. Photography in my future is something no one can predict, but we can all have our own ideas of what it will be like.

        Photography In the future, 25 years from now, will possibly be a very small foldable and portable camera. Not only will you be able to take pictures on it, you'll be able to record, call, text, anything. I think it will be like this because the creation of phones and cameras are becoming more and more similar, year after year. They are going to come together to create a phamera, a phone camera.
