picture questions

1. The mood in these two images makes me feel sad and almost as if their minds are all over the place. The expression on the models faces looks straight faced and like they've been through a lot that no one knows about. Their posture shows a certain pain in my eyes. 

2. I think these images were created with photoshop. The pictures look like they were originally taken of a real person. These pictures might have been edited with an oil paint effect and different colors. 

3. The role that color plays in these images is the mood and feeling. Each color represents a different mood and feeling. These images were well accentuated with the mood.

4. I think the artist intended to convey a certain feeling when looking at these images. The artist may have tried to create a sad and interesting feel when looking at them. I do think the artist effort was successful, because the mood is well portrayed through these images. 
