Photo Description - Abby Elleson and Breanna Kirschner

Describing the scene:

1. The photo was taken (if known) in _a backyard__ (place)/ at __mid day__ (event)

It's an image of __a scene__ (place, person, scene).

Describe the scene __a big field of grass with power lines__ .

In the picture you can see __the power lines are used as clothing lines in the big grass field.__

*In position __from below__  there is/are __grass, trees, and some hills.__

*In position __in the middle__  there is/are __a woman on a ladder climbing towards the power lines that are made to look like clothing lines.__

*In position __from the sky__  there is/are __a blue sky, filled with clouds and trees from afar.__

Impressions of the Scene:

1. The people ( the objects) look as if they __Are reaching for something__

The viewer's attention is focused on __The clothing line__

The photo is vivid / dark / expressive/... Expressive

The photo makes us feel __Interested and happy__ (sad/happy/...)

The picture makes us think about __What they were thinking when they were creating this photograph__

It looks like__A lot of things are going through this persons head__

The photographer mainly uses __Colors
__ (colors/forms/…)

The photographer uses __A power line__ to express __A clothing line__

He/She (probably) wants to criticize/express/show __Express the struggle of living in a world with no technology to do our clothes for us__

It seems/appears to me that __This person loves old times__

Picture 4:

This photo looks like it was taken in a lake, or maybe even a pond, during a beautiful sunny day. The lighting was, of course, perfect for this type of picture. It's an image of a place and a scene. The scene consists of water in the surroundings of the picture, and from afar, there is land on both sides with trees, and it looks like a small beach form. In the middle of the picture there is a very huge fish, with part of its back escaping from the water, there is a mountain island in the middle on top of the fish's back. There is also two houses and grass with trees on this mountain island. The position from sky view is filled with clouds flowed across the sky, with a small bird in the distance. There are no people seen in this photograph, but the objects (since they are from the distance) look smaller. Besides the gigantic fish in the 
