1st Semester Reflection

       During the first semester of this class, I feel like my assignment are of good quality. My assignments could be better, but I feel as though time management is hard when it comes to working outside of school. I have a part time job, I work 3 to 4 days a week at night, so it is hard for me to get great quality photos. Overall, I do get my assignments completed. I understand the assignments completely and try my best to get them done correctly and efficiently. 

       The effort I put into my work is a lot. I try my best with the things that I know how to do. I don't have a good camera or even a junky camera to use, so I have use my phone for pictures. I've always wanted a good camera because I've always loved to take pictures. I always have a positive attitude towards my assignments. I may think they are difficult sometimes, but I still think they are fun.

       This class is fairly simple to participate in. I finish my work and present it as it is. I'm always on time to this class. I like to converse with my friends a lot, but that doesn't take away from my work time and it does not cause my assignments to be late. I try to make sure my work is good work. 

       For the second semester, I want to continue to better my quality of work. I believe that I can always do better. I want to learn more about photoshop so that I can make this possible. I want to learn more about taking photos so I can make my photo skills better. Confidence in my work will improve as my learning improves. I am excited to make these improvements. 

      Second semester, I want to learn how to work photoshop better and get the hang of special techniques. My pictures will be better and I will make more time to get good quality photos. I want to improve in all corners. Second semester will be better and I cannot wait! 

