Photographer Interview

1) What is the name of the Photographer?
      Jeremy Cowart

2) How long has he/she been taking photographs?
      Since he's been in college. In 2005 he really started to take pictures. 

3) What is the genre in which the Photographer works? (If multiple, list all)
       A celebrity and fashion photographer. 

4) How did the Photographer get his/her start?
       He went to college for graphic design, started photography around 2001, got his first camera in 2003. 

5) What is it about Photography that the Photographer finds inspiring?
        He does not say, but he says that photography is his comfort zone, and working with his hands, controlling the vibe and the tone. 

6) Does the Photographer have a social or political viewpoint they are trying to convey? Identify.
        He made  video about making your mark on the world. He traveled all over the country to talk.

7) Does the Photographer discuss successes or failures? Identify.
       He first wanted to be a painter, but his parents didn't think he could make a living from it. 

8) What Artists/Photographers does the Photographer admire/emulate?

9) Does the Photographer discuss any historical aspects of Photography?  Identify. 

10) Does the Photographer make any distinctions between Photography and other forms of visual art?
        Yes, he talks about how he studies graphic design, web design, and learned  about photoshop and how to use it. 

11) What motivates the Photographer to keep taking photos?
        The way that he controls the photo and camera, and he controls, with his hands, how it will look and how he wants it to look. 

12) What is it about the Photographer's work that YOU find compelling?
         I find that Jeremy Cowart is a very admirable person. He portrays himself as a very subtle and calming person. He does his own thing and does it for himself. He admires the way that taking photographs makes him feel. 
