Ted Talk questions

1) Q. What question does Erik pose to the audience?  
        What is the trick that makes it look realistic? What creates the illusion? 

2) Q. What was Erik’s first real passion?  

3) Q. What conception of photography did Erik previously hold? 
        Creating photos that aren't possible but look like they could actually be a real

4) Q. How did this inspire him?  
        Using tools that he had available. 

5) Q. What “common goal” do Erik’s photos have?   
         The common goal was for all the photos to blend together and look "real".

6) Q. Define realism as used in this context.  
         The photos are surreal, put together in photoshop but in detail it all looks together
           and real. 

7) Q. What principles does he adhere to when creating an image? 
         He creates it all from scratch and it can be all hat he sees in his head rather than go
           and find one spot.  

8) Q. Why is it easier to create a place rather than to find a place?  
         Because it is all together in his head and ready rather than having to sought out and
           seek a place.

9) Q. How does he plan the photos?   
         It starts with a sketch, combining all the photographs. 

10) Q. What is his conclusion?
         The only limitations we have is our imagination.
